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Essays Syllabi
Annabelle Honza Clippinger
Writing 109-- Fall 1994 Syllabus
The Writer's Place: Honors Section

Our topic of inquiry is the writer's place.  How do writers begin to connect with the world around them?   We will look at the place from which you've come and contrast it to the new place you now call home.  We will read essays that write about complex notions of place and you will write an essay of this type yourself. 

Next, we will begin to engage deeply with the controversies and issues at work on this campus.  You will trace one out, research it, and write a paper on it.

Finally, you will engage a more global issue, moving toward an issue of pressing national or international concern.  You will make some connections between the local concerns and the global.  You will compile research and complete a longer paper.    You will give a presentation to the class. 

We will accomplish a wide range of readings this semester,  but be aware that Writing 109 is first and foremost an Honors Writing Studio.  This means that we will be writing a good deal, both in class and outside of it.  We will work together earnestly in a studio/ workshop setting in order to help one another improve our writing skills. You will learn how to brainstorm, freewrite, draft papers in stages, workshop papers in peer groups, do research, and complete polished pieces of formal writing suitable for the university.

We will have several regular writing and in-class exercises.


I. Reading Responses

You will compose ten 2 page reading responses over the course of the semester.  They are to be considered short FORMAL writing assignments in which you address particular issues within the readings.  Each one is worth three points.  These are all to be typewritten or wordprocessed.  NO EXCEPTIONS.


II.  Formal Papers

You will write three FORMAL papers, the first of which will be 5-6 pages in length.  The first paper is worth ten points.  The second paper is worth twenty points, and is to be 6-7 pages long, and third paper is worth thirty points and is to be 8-10 pages long.  These will have been taken through drafts during in-class workshops.  If you are absent for any of these workshops, or are unprepared, you will automatically lose five points off your paper.    All papers must have a rough Writing Consultant signed draft stapled behind your final draft.  The third paper must also be covered by a two page REFLECTIVE STATEMENT about the writing that you've done for this class.  These are all to be typewritten or wordprocessed.  NO EXCEPTIONS.


III.  Participation/ Attendance

Your attentive and prepared presence is considered essential to your success in this class.  Be here and be ready to speak about the readings/ writings at hand.  Participation is worth ten points of your final grade. Missing three classes is justification to lower your grade one full letter.









Required Texts:  available at the Orange Bookstore:

Reading the Environment-- Melissa Walker, ed.

A Pocket Style Manual-- Diana Hacker

The American Heritage College Dictionary  (or any hardbound college dictionary)

A thesaurus


N.B.  Since the universe is in constant flux, this syllabus is subject to change.  Therefore, it is your responsibility to stay on top of any such changes.

Tues 8-30-- Introductions and syllabus handouts.  Talk about Reading Responses.  For Thursday please have read "The World is Places" p. 89 by Gary Snyder.  Have written a two page typewritten Reading Response (#1).

Thurs 9-1-- Discussion of "The World is Places."  Freewriting in class about place.  For Tues read "The Land Where Rivers Meet"  p. 92.   Have written a two page typewritten reading response about it (#2).

Tues 9-6-- Discussion of "The Land Where Rivers Meet."  Freewriting about the nature of place as topology.  For Thursday, have written a two- page typewritten topologically slanted piece, either about your home environment, or about Syracuse.  (#3)

Thurs 9-8--  Discussion of your own 'topologies.'  Read "Sources" by Adrienne Rich in class, p. 99.  For Tues have written a two page neatly handwritten draft drawing meaning from the details of your home landscape.

Tues 9-13--  Reading aloud.  Discussion.  For Tues have taken your home landscape paper to three typewritten pages.  Bring three copies of it to class.

Thurs 9- 15-- Classes canceled: Yom Kippur.

Tues 9-20--  Workshop on home landscsape papers.  Hand-out on ethnography.   For Thurs have compiled a page or two of data for an ethnography. 

Thurs 9-22--  More on ethnography.  For Tues have three copies of a three page typewritten draft of your ethnography.  Have read Barry Lopez' "Borders" p. 67.  Have written a one page neatly handwritten response to it.

Tues 9-27--  Workshop on ethnography.  Freewriting and discussion of how to build a bridge between the two texts the you have created so far.  First draft of paper that bridges the two due Thurs.  Bring three copies of it with you to class. 

Thurs 9-29-- Workshop on first draft of first formal paper.  Second, revised draft due Tues.  Bring three copies ( by this time you should know the routine...)

Tues  10-4--  Workshop.  Final draft due Thurs.  Remember you will have to have met with a Writing Consultant on this paper and have a WC signed rough draft stapled behind your final draft.

Thurs 10-6--  Final draft of First Formal Paper Due.  In class discussion of next unit.  For Tues, have read "The Company of Wolves" by Angela Carter, p. 226.  Have written a two page typewritten Reading response about it (#4).

Tues 10-11-- Discussion of reading.  Have read for Thurs "Of Mice and Wolves" by Farley Mowat, p. 235.  Have written a two page typewritten Reading Response contrasting the way the two pieces on wolves represent them (#5).

Thurs 10-13--  Discussion of representations of the wolf.   For Tues have read "Confessions of a Developer" by Wallace Kaufman, p. 306.  Have written a two page typewritten Reading Response (#6).

Tues 10-18-- Discussion of  a developer's point of view.  Wolf Debate.  For Thurs, have read "Mayhem in Industrial Paradise" by Wendell Berry, p. 325.  Have written a two page typewritten Reading Response contrasting these perspectives (#7).  Bring a copy of The Daily Orange with you to class.

Thurs 10-20-- Discussion.  Looking at the DO and identifying controversies as they appear in it.  Who do they represent and how?  For Tues have identified a controversy.  Begin to outline a strategy for creating a complex (not just bi-polar) claim.  Bring a two page typewritten draft of where and how you might progress.

Tues 10-25--  Discussion.  Handout of University Compact.  For Thurs write a two page typewritten Reading Response to the University Compact ( #8).  What issues are articulated in it?  How are they represented?

Thurs 10-27-- Discussion of University Compact.  Freewriting to determine if there is an interesting  controversy from the University Compact that you would like to address in writing.  For Tues begin a rough draft laying out a controversy (from the DO or The UC).  Bring three copies of a three page typewritten rough draft with you.

Tues 11-1-- Workshop on first draft of second formal paper.  For Thurs bring two copies of the next draft with you to class for individual conferences with me or a Writing Consultant.

Thurs 11-3-- Conferences.  For Tues Final Draft due.

Tues 11-8-- Final Draft Due.  You must have met with a WC and have a WC signed rough draft attached to the back of your final draft.  Discussion of next unit.  For Thurs, have read Al Gore's "Ships in the Desert" p. 468.  Have written a two page typed Reading Response (#9).

Thurs 11-10-- Discussion of Al Gore's essay.  Have read for Tues Terry Tempest Williams' "The Clan of One-Breasted Women" p. 380.  Have written a two page typewritten Reading Response (#10). 

Tues 11-15-- Discussion of Tempest Williams' piece.  Brainstorming ideas for a global controversy. 

Thurs 11-17--  Class meets at Bird Library near the circulation desk.  Researching controversies.  For Tues be prepared to give a five minute presentation outlining the controversy that you have researched.  

Tues 11-22--  Presentations.  For Tues after Thanksgiving, bring three copies of a three page typewritten rough draft with you to class. 

Thurs 11-24--  CLASS CANCELED-- T-DAY!!!!

Tues 11-29-- Workshop.  For Thurs bring three copies of the next five page draft with you.

Thurs 12-1-- Workshop on using sources.  For Tues bring three copies of an almost polished draft with you to class.

Tues 12-6-- Editing workshop.  Final paper due Thurs with a Writing Consultant signed rough draft attached to the back of it.  Your Reflective Statement should be attached to the front of the final draft.

Thurs 12-8-- Last day of class.  All work due.  Fare-thee-wells, evaluations, and the like...